Repeaters are often used to drive high impedance interconnects. These lines have become highly inductive and can affect signal behavior. The line inductance should therefore be co...
The planning and subsequent nationwide implementation of E-government service provisioning faces a number of challenges at the level of municipalities in the Netherlands. Initiati...
This paper presents a multi-agent reinforcement learning bidding approach (MARLBS) for performing multi-agent reinforcement learning. MARLBS integrates reinforcement learning, bid...
This paper presents a distributed algorithm called LREMiT for extending the lifetime of a source-based multicast tree in wireless ad hoc networks (WANET). The lifetime of a multic...
Abstract— The problem addressed is the distributed reconfiguration of a metamorphic robot system composed of any number of two dimensional robots (modules). The initial configu...
Jennifer E. Walter, Elizabeth M. Tsai, Nancy M. Am...