Poorly designed software systems are difficult to understand and maintain. Modifying code in one place could lead to unwanted repercussions elsewhere due to high coupling. Adding ...
Martin Drozdz, Derrick G. Kourie, Bruce W. Watson,...
The server's storage I/O and network I/O bandwidths are the main bottleneck of VoD service. Multicast offers an efficient means of distributing a video program to multiple cl...
— Tracking of miniature robotic platforms involves major challenges in image recognition and data association. We present our 3-year effort into developing the platform-independe...
: This paper describes the development of an open source CASE tool, the ArgoCASEGEO, and its modular architecture. The ArgoCASEGEO allows the geographic database modelling based on...
Jugurta Lisboa Filho, Victor de Freitas Sodr&eacut...
This paper introduces SCIVE, a Simulation Core for Intelligent Virtual Environments. SCIVE provides a Knowledge Representation Layer (KRL) as a central organizing struc...