The named entity disambiguation task is to resolve the many-to-many correspondence between ambiguous names and the unique realworld entity. This task can be modeled as a classifi...
—On a stream of two dimensional data items (x, y) where x is an item identifier, and y is a numerical attribute, a correlated aggregate query requires us to first apply a selec...
Monitoring cluster evolution in data streams is a major research topic in data streams mining. Previous clustering methods for evolving data streams focus on global clustering res...
Liang Tang, Chang-jie Tang, Lei Duan, Chuan Li, Ye...
The increasing availability of streaming data is a consequence of the continuing advancement of data acquisition technology. Such data provides new challenges to the various data a...
Dimitris K. Tasoulis, Gordon J. Ross, Niall M. Ada...
Parallel TCP streams are used for data transfer between clusters in today's high performance applications. When parallel TCP streams are used on LFN, part of streams fail to ...