A Skilligent robot must be able to learn skills autonomously to accomplish a task. "Skilligence" is the capacity of the robot to control behaviors reasonably, based on th...
We propose a dependent type theory that integrates programming, specifications, and reasoning about higher-order concurrent programs with shared transactional memory. The design ...
Aleksandar Nanevski, Paul Govereau, Greg Morrisett
tic analysis tools based on abstraction are sound but not complete. Several practical static analysis tools are heuristic in nature —they are neither sound nor complete, but have...
Abstract. Any formalmethodor tool is almostcertainlymoreoftenapplied in situationswheretheoutcomeis failure(acounterexample)rather than success (a correctness proof). We present a ...
Luca de Alfaro, Thomas A. Henzinger, Freddy Y. C. ...
An overview of statistical and information-theoretic aspects of hidden Markov processes (HMPs) is presented. An HMP is a discrete-time finite-state homogeneous Markov chain observe...