Establishing a clean relationship between a robot’s spatial model and natural language components is a non-trivial task, but is key to designing verbally controlled, navigating s...
Robert J. Ross, Hui Shi, Tillman Vierhuff, Bernd K...
Many Internet-based applications have adopted XML as the standard data exchange format. These XML data are typically stored in its native form, thus creating the need to present XM...
Previously, the methods used by scientists to locate an earthquake epicenter were so cumbersome, even for scientists, that the epicenter location methodology needed to be simplifi...
Youwen Ouyang, Matthew Lehmann, Katherine Hayden, ...
The complexity of deploying high-performance spatial structures in transactional DBMS environments has motivated researchers to experiment with the idea of reusing the effort inve...
Owing to the recent development of digital broadcasting technology such as Satellite, CATV, the Internet and the expansion of the network systems, the amount of video data we can ...