We present the ColoredPower algorithm, which is designed to provide collaborative electricity demand shaping for residential and small-business customers. Demand shaping for this m...
Managing demand for electrical energy allows generation facilities to be run more efficiently. Current systems allow for management between large industrial consumers. There is, ...
Elth Ogston, Astrid Zeman, Mikhail Prokopenko, Geo...
1 In the competitive electricity structure, demand response programs enable customers to react dynamically to changes in electricity prices. The implementation of such programs ma...
Michael LeMay, Rajesh Nelli, George Gross, Carl A....
This paper describes a multiagent system that has made the voyage from research project to commercialised product. The purpose for the multiagent system is to dynamically control ...
Fredrik Wernstedt, Paul Davidsson, Christian Johan...
Central to the vision of the smart grid is the deployment of smart meters that will allow autonomous software agents, representing the consumers, to optimise their use of devices ...
Sarvapali D. Ramchurn, Perukrishnen Vytelingum, Al...