It is shown that the minimum cut ratio is within a factor of O(log k) of the maximum concurrent flow for k-commodity flow instances with arbitrary capacities and demands. This im...
Given an undirected graph with edge lengths and a subset of nodes (called the terminals), the multiway cut (also called the multi-terminal cut) problem asks for a subset of edges,...
For an edge-weighted connected undirected graph, the minimum k-way cut problem is to find a subset of edges of minimum total weight whose removal separates the graph into k connect...
Markov Random Fields (MRF's) can be used for a wide variety of vision problems. In this paper we focus on MRF's with two-valued clique potentials, which form a generaliz...
We consider the Minimum Linear Arrangement problem and the (Uniform) Sparsest Cut problem. So far, these two notorious NP-hard graph problems have resisted all attempts to prove in...