— Mobile agents are considered a suitable technology to develop applications for wireless environments with limited communication capabilities. Thus, they offer interesting advan...
Reliability analysis has become an integral part of system design and operating. This is especially true for systems performing critical tasks such as mass transportation systems....
Roland Donat, Laurent Bouillaut, Patrice Aknin, Ph...
The “CyberBridges” pilot project is an innovative model for creating a new generation of scientists and engineers who are capable of fully integrating cyberinfrastructure into...
Heidi L. Alvarez, David C. Chatfield, Donald A. Co...
—Direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) technique has been widely used in both military communications and commercial communications. On the other hand, it is a challenge to both...
—The occurrence of a traffic anomaly is always responsible for a degradation of performance. The anomaly can be observable, at some scale, in different ways: an increase in the n...
Silvia Farraposo, Philippe Owezarski, Edmundo Mont...