Abstract. Beowulf-class clusters use a diverse collection of queue management software, and interconnect technology, often causing inter-cluster operability issues. We present a Un...
Francis Tang, Ho Liang Yoong, Chua Ching Lian, Aru...
Abstract. Event processing rules may be prescribed in many different ways, including by finite state machines, graphical methods, ECA (event-conditionaction) rules or reactive rule...
Abstract. Over the last decade, the increasing demand for the validation of safety critical systems lead to the development of domain-specific programming languages (e.g. synchrono...
Abstract { This paper presents a parallel algorithm for solving the region growing problem based on the split and merge approach. The algorithm was implemented on the CM-2 and the ...
Nawal Copty, Sanjay Ranka, Geoffrey Fox, Ravi V. S...
We study the problem of scheduling independent tasks on a set of related processors which have a probability of failure governed by an exponential law. We are interested in the bi-...