Structured overlay networks form a major class of peerto-peer systems, which are touted for their abilities to scale, tolerate failures, and self-manage. Any long-lived Internet-s...
We present a distributed topology control protocol that runs on a d-QUDG for d ≥ 1/ √ 2, and computes a sparse, constant-spanner, both in Euclidean distance and in hop distance...
Kevin M. Lillis, Sriram V. Pemmaraju, Imran A. Pir...
Abstract. A clustering method is presented which can be applied to relational knowledge bases. It can be used to discover interesting groupings of resources through their (semantic...
In many settings Web services are now perceived as the first choice technology to provide neatly encapsulated functionality for Web-based computation. To date, many standards hav...
Dominic Greenwood, Margaret Lyell, Ashok U. Mallya...
A negotiation chain is formed when multiple related negotiations are spread over multiple agents. In order to appropriately order and structure the negotiations occurring in the c...