Transactional requirements, from new application domains and execution environments, are varying and may exceed traditional ACID properties. We believe that transactional middlewa...
Anna-Brith Arntsen, Marts Mortensen, Randi Karlsen...
Sensor-based services propose to gather, manage, analyze, access and react to sensor data. These services are distributed over heterogeneous platforms. The complexity of the imple...
Wide-area service replication is becoming increasingly common, with the emergence of new operational models such as content delivery networks and computational grids. This paper d...
Bogdan C. Popescu, Bruno Crispo, Andrew S. Tanenba...
In mobile ad hoc networks, nodes interact peer-to-peer. They self-organize, share workloads and provide services that they also use. There are middleware platforms, designed for t...
The second generation of Advanced Telecom Computing Architecture (ATCA) based on PCI Industrial Computer Manufacturers Group (PICMG) specification has evolved to a live deployment...