SNP-microarrays are able to measure simultaneously both copy number and genotype at several single nucleotide polymorphism positions. Combining the two data, it is possible to bett...
Paola M. V. Rancoita, Marcus Hutter, Francesco Ber...
Abstract. We propose a distributed scheme called Adaptive-GroupMerge for sensor networks that, given a parameter k, approximates a geometric shape by a k-vertex polygon. The algori...
Chiranjeeb Buragohain, Sorabh Gandhi, John Hershbe...
Learning probabilistic graphical models from high-dimensional datasets is a computationally challenging task. In many interesting applications, the domain dimensionality is such a...
This paper examines how computation can be mapped across the nodes of a distributed search system to effectively utilize available resources. We specifically address computationa...
Larry Huston, Alex Nizhner, Padmanabhan Pillai, Ra...
The joint invariants of the projective group PSL(3, R) on RP2 , the five-point volume cross-ratios, are studied to address the problem of correspondence in a camera network. The ...