The Mobile Emergency Triage (MET) system is a clinical triage support system that aids physicians in making triage decisions as to whether a child presenting in the Emergency Depa...
Wojtek Michalowski, Marta Kersten, Szymon Wilk, Ro...
Software systems are becoming more and more complex with a large number of interacting partners often distributed over a network. A common dilemma faced by software engineers in b...
Embedded Systems are components integrating software and hardware jointly and specifically designed to provide given functionalities. These components may be used in many different...
Real-Time Maude is a language and tool supporting the formal specification and analysis of real-time and hybrid systems. The specification formalism is based on rewriting logic, em...
Well understood methods exist for developing programs from formal specifications. Not only do such methods offer a precise check that certain sorts of deviations from their specifi...