Background: Existing biological databases support a variety of queries such as keyword or definition search. However, they do not provide any measure of relevance for the instance...
With the increasing popularity of XML, there arises the need for managing and querying information in this form. Several query languages, such as XQuery, have been proposed which ...
Damien K. Fisher, Franky Lam, William M. Shui, Ray...
Abstract. Several alternatives to manage large XML document collections exist, ranging from file systems over relational or other database systems to specifically tailored XML base...
Thorsten Fiebig, Sven Helmer, Carl-Christian Kanne...
aAQUA is an online multilingual, multimedia Agricultural portal for disseminating information from and to rural communities. It answers farmers' queries based on the location...
We propose Limpid Desk which supports document search on a real desktop with virtual transparentizing of the upper layer of a document stack in projection-based mixed reality (MR)...