After the handwritten segmentation process, it is common to have connected digits. This is due to the great size and shape digit variations. In addition, the acquisition and the b...
Cristiano de Santana Pereira, George D. C. Cavalca...
Writer identification consists in determining the writer of a piece of handwriting from a set of writers. In this paper we present a system for writer identification in old handwr...
In TREC 2004, the Database and Information System Lab (DBIS) at University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) participates in the robust track, which is a traditional ad hoc retrieval t...
The World Wide Web, due to its sheer size and dynamics, has turned into one of the most fascinating and important data sources for large-scale analysis and investigation, ranging ...
Andreas Rauber, Oliver Witvoet, Andreas Aschenbren...
The J2EE platform provides a variety of options for making business data persistent using DBMS technology. However, the integration with existing backend database systems has prov...