We describe a platform for context-aware computing which enables applications to follow mobile users as they move around a building. The platform is particularly suitable for rich...
Andy Harter, Andy Hopper, Pete Steggles, Andy Ward...
Research domains such as active networks, ad-hoc networks, ubiquitous computing, pervasive computing, grid computing, and sensor networks, clearly show that computer networks will...
Sam Michiels, Lieven Desmet, Wouter Joosen, Pierre...
Existing code update protocols for reprogramming nodes in a sensor network are either unsuitable or inefficient when used in a mobile environment. The prohibitive factor of uncert...
Varying interference levels make broadcasting an unreliable operation in low-power wireless networks. Many routing and resource discovery protocols depend on flooding (repeated pe...
Fred Stann, John S. Heidemann, Rajesh Shroff, Muha...
Key management is one of the fundamental building blocks of security services. In a network with resource constrained nodes like sensor networks, traditional key management techni...