Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs) allow different applications to concurrently execute on a single chip. When applications with differing demands for memory compete for a shared cache, ...
Aamer Jaleel, William Hasenplaugh, Moinuddin K. Qu...
This paper investigates helper threads that improve performance by prefetching data on behalf of an application’s main thread. The focus is data prefetch helper threads that lac...
C applications, in particular those using operating system level services, frequently comprise multiple crosscutting concerns: network protocols and security are typical examples ...
Current large-scale topology mapping systems require multiple days to characterize the Internet due to the large amount of probing traffic they incur. The accuracy of maps from ex...
Abstract--We present a new scheme to reduce the end-toend routing delay in the mission-critical applications of the wireless sensor networks (WSNs) under the duty cycle model. Whil...