Anti-malware companies receive thousands of malware samples every day. To process this large quantity, a number of automated analysis tools were developed. These tools execute a m...
Ulrich Bayer, Paolo Milani Comparetti, Clemens Hla...
DMTCP (Distributed MultiThreaded CheckPointing) is a transparent user-level checkpointing package for distributed applications. Checkpointing and restart is demonstrated for a wid...
We analyze the dynamics of problem-solving in a framework which captures two key features of that activity. The first feature is that problem-solving is a social game where a numb...
Discovering and unlocking the full potential of complex pervasive environments is still approached in application-centric ways. A set of statically deployed applications often de...
Geert Vanderhulst, Daniel Schreiber, Kris Luyten, ...
To be agile and cost effective, data centers should allow dynamic resource allocation across large server pools. In particular, the data center network should enable any server to...
Albert G. Greenberg, James R. Hamilton, Navendu Ja...