
44 search results - page 1 / 9
» Edge-Disjoint Spanning Trees, Edge Connectivity, and Eigenva...
120views more  SIAMCOMP 2010»
13 years 8 months ago
Edge Disjoint Paths in Moderately Connected Graphs
Abstract. We study the Edge Disjoint Paths (EDP) problem in undirected graphs: Given a graph G with n nodes and a set T of pairs of terminals, connect as many terminal pairs as pos...
Satish Rao, Shuheng Zhou
122views Algorithms» more  STOC 1992»
14 years 1 months ago
Existence and Construction of Edge Disjoint Paths on Expander Graphs
Given an expander graph G = (V, E) and a set of q disjoint pairs of vertices in V , we are interested in finding for each pair (ai, bi), a path connecting ai to bi, such that the ...
Andrei Z. Broder, Alan M. Frieze, Eli Upfal
112views more  COMBINATORICS 2000»
13 years 9 months ago
A Note on Random Minimum Length Spanning Trees
Consider a connected r-regular n-vertex graph G with random independent edge lengths, each uniformly distributed on [0, 1]. Let mst(G) be the expected length of a minimum spanning...
Alan M. Frieze, Miklós Ruszinkó, Lub...
100views more  MP 2007»
13 years 9 months ago
Power optimization for connectivity problems
Given a graph with costs on the edges, the power of a node is the maximum cost of an edge leaving it, and the power of the graph is the sum of the powers of the nodes of this graph...
Mohammad Taghi Hajiaghayi, Guy Kortsarz, Vahab S. ...
13 years 11 months ago
Finding the k Most Vital Edges with Respect to Minimum Spanning Trees for k=2 and 3
Let G(V, E) be a weighted, undirected, connected simple graph with n vertices and m edges. The k most vital edge problem with respect to minimum spanning trees is to find a set S o...
Weifa Liang, George Havas