—Along with the burst of open source projects, software theft (or plagiarism) has become a very serious threat to the healthiness of software industry. Software birthmark, which ...
We enunciate the need for watermarking database relations to deter data piracy, identify the characteristics of relational data that pose unique challenges for watermarking, and de...
Although most of existing research usually detects events by analyzing the content or structural information of Web documents, a recent direction is to study the usage data. In th...
We have built a software development tool, CLIME, that uses constraints to ensure the consistency of the different artifacts associated with software. This approach to software dev...
Constraint Programming is a powerful approach for modeling and solving many combinatorial problems, scalability, however, remains an issue in . Abstraction and reformulation techni...
Kenneth M. Bayer, Martin Michalowski, Berthe Y. Ch...