Animation has been used to show trends in multi-dimensional data. This technique has recently gained new prominence for presentations, most notably with Gapminder Trendalyzer. In T...
George G. Robertson, Roland Fernandez, Danyel Fish...
This paper describes a number of effective techniques for visualizing some of the more complex data relationships that characterize an electric power system in real time. Power sy...
Animation is frequently utilized to visually depict change in timevarying data sets. For this task, it is a natural fit. Yet explicit animation is rarely employed for static data....
James Shearer, Michael Ogawa, Kwan-Liu Ma, Toby Ko...
Abstract. The effectiveness of animation in visualization is an interesting research topic that led to contradicting results in the past. On top of that, we are facing three addit...
Alexander Rind, Wolfgang Aigner, Silvia Miksch, Sy...
We explore the emerging application area of physics-based simulation for computer animation and visual special effects. In particular, we examine its parallelization potential and...
Christopher J. Hughes, Radek Grzeszczuk, Eftychios...