Today's record matching infrastructure does not allow a flexible way to account for synonyms such as "Robert" and "Bob" which refer to the same name, and ...
Object based storage devices (OSDs) elevate the level of abstraction presented to clients, thereby permitting them to offer methods for managing, sharing, and securing information...
The innate verbosity of the Extensible Markup Language remains one of its main weaknesses, especially when large XML documents are concerned. This problem can be solved with the a...
Przemyslaw Skibinski, Szymon Grabowski, Jakub Swac...
The new model reduces the impact of local spectral and temporal variability by estimating a finite set of spectral and temporal warping factors which are applied to speech at the f...
Antonio Miguel, Eduardo Lleida, Richard Rose, Luis...
Mass spectrometry has become one of the most popular analysis techniques in Proteomics and Systems Biology. With the creation of larger data sets, the automated recalibration of ma...