With the wide adoption of internet into our everyday lives, internet security becomes an important issue. Intrusion detection at the network level is an effective way of stopping m...
Chun Xue, Zili Shao, Meilin Liu, Qingfeng Zhuge, E...
: A multi-coupon (MC) represents a collection of k coupons that a user can redeem to a vendor in exchange for a benefit (some good or service). Recently, Chen et al. [CEL+ 07] prop...
We present the first universally verifiable voting scheme that can be based on a general assumption (existence of a non-interactive commitment scheme). Our scheme is also the first...
An important problem that confronts data grid applications is to efficiently locate the node that stores a particular data replica. This paper proposes a Hierarchical Replica Loca...
One of the pillars of trust-worthy computing is process isolation, the ability to keep process data private from other processes running on the same device. While embedded operati...
Herwin Chan, Patrick Schaumont, Ingrid Verbauwhede