In machine translation, parsing of long English sentences still causes some problems, whereas for short sentences a good machine translation system usually can generate readable t...
The resource requirements of frequent pattern mining algorithms depend mainly on the length distribution of the mined patterns in the database. Synthetic databases, which are used...
Ganesh Ramesh, Mohammed Javeed Zaki, William Mania...
Frequent coherent subgraphscan provide valuable knowledgeabout the underlying internal structure of a graph database, and mining frequently occurring coherent subgraphs from large...
Zhiping Zeng, Jianyong Wang, Lizhu Zhou, George Ka...
Sequential pattern mining is very important because it is the basis of many applications. Yet how to efficiently implement the mining is difficult due to the inherent characteri...
—The strategies for mining frequent itemsets, which is the essential part of discovering association rules, have been widely studied over the last decade. In real-world datasets,...