A well-known polymodal provability logic GLP is complete w.r.t. the arithmetical semantics where modalities correspond to reflection principles of restricted logical complexity in...
Abstract. We consider the problem of verifying the safety of wellstructured transition systems (WSTS) with auxiliary storage. WSTSs with storage are automata that have (possibly) i...
We describe an algorithm for deciding the first-order multisorted theory BAPA, which combines 1) Boolean algebras of sets of uninterpreted elements (BA) and 2) Presburger arithmeti...
The paper introduces a new detectability concept for continuous-time Markov jump linear systems with finite Markov space that generalizes previous concepts found in the literature....
in Structure'95. 14] R. Fagin. Easier ways to win logical games. In Proc. DIMACS Workshop on Descriptive Complexity and Finite Models, AMS 1997. 15] R. Fagin, L. Stockmeyer, M...