For Deaf people, access to the mobile telephone network in the United States is currently limited to text messaging, forcing communication in English as opposed to American Sign L...
Amidst constant innovation in information and communication technologies, a new pattern of work is emerging. Hierarchical authority structures are giving way to greater decision-m...
Electronic Government Research (EGR) has progressed beyond its stages of infancy and has unfolded into a respected domain of multi- and crossdisciplinary study. A sizable and dedic...
HCI, CSCW, and ubicomp researchers have developed new technologies and interaction techniques to support collaboration, ranging from electronic whiteboards to software supporting ...
In recent years, we have witnessed a trend towards open wireless access, mainly driven by the low cost of IEEE 802.11-capable equipment and its operation in unlicensed spectrum. T...
Fotios A. Elianos, Georgia Plakia, Pantelis A. Fra...