In the paper the idea is presented that emotions are the result of a high dimensional optimization process happening in the unconscious mapped onto the low dimensional conscious. I...
This work proposes a real-time virtual human multimodal expression model. Five modalities explore the affordances of the body: deterministic, non-deterministic, gesticulation, faci...
This study examines whether characteristics of a car voice can affect driver performance and affect. In a 2 (driver emotion: happy or upset) x 2 (car voice emotion: energetic vs. ...
Clifford Nass, Ing-Marie Jonsson, Helen Harris, Be...
In this work we propose and verify a hypothesis on emotional speech production: emotions induce physical and physiological changes in the whole body including changes in the confi...
Voicemail has become an integral part of our personal and professional communication. The number of messages that accumulate in our voice mailboxes necessitate new ways of priorit...