Software developers use testing to gain and maintain confidence in the correctness of a software system. Automated reduction and prioritization techniques attempt to decrease the...
Automated cost-effective test strategies are needed to provide reliable, secure, and usable web applications. As a software maintainer updates an application, test cases must accu...
Sara Sprenkle, Sreedevi Sampath, Emily Gibson, Lor...
Test-suite reduction techniques attempt to reduce the costs of saving and reusing test cases during software maintenance by eliminating redundant test cases from test suites. A po...
Gregg Rothermel, Mary Jean Harrold, Jeffery von Ro...
Fault-localization techniques that utilize information about all test cases in a test suite have been presented. These techniques use various approaches to identify the likely fau...
—Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) are used as front ends to most of today’s software applications. The event-driven nature of GUIs presents new challenges for testing. One impo...