Understanding how users behave when they connect to social networking sites creates opportunities for better interface design, richer studies of social interactions, and improved ...
: Everyone realizes how powerful the few big Web search engine companies have become, both in terms of financial resources due to soaring stock quotes and in terms of the still hid...
We consider a scenario in which there are resources at or near nodes of a network, which are either static (e.g. fire stations, parking spots) or mobile (e.g. police cars). Over ...
Jie Gao, Leonidas J. Guibas, Nikola Milosavljevic,...
The importance of electronic collaboration has risen as successful organisations recognize that they need to convert their intellectual resources into goods and services their cus...
Sajda Qureshi, Andries van der Vaart, Gijs Kauling...
We present a research effort into the application of semantic web methods and technologies to address the challenging problem of integrating heterogeneous volcanic and atmospheri...
Peter Fox, Deborah L. McGuinness, Robert Raskin, A...