Establishing trust between a group of individuals remains a difficult problem. Prior works assume trusted infrastructure, require an individual to trust unknown entities, or provi...
Mobile users of computation and communication services have been rapidly adopting battery-powered mobile handhelds, such as PocketPCs and SmartPhones, for their work. However, the...
Recent advances in click model have positioned it as an attractive method for representing user preferences in web search and online advertising. Yet, most of the existing works f...
Zeyuan Allen Zhu, Weizhu Chen, Tom Minka, Chenguan...
We address the verification problem of finite-state concurrent programs running under weak memory models. These models capture the reordering of program (read and write) operation...
Ahmed Bouajjani, Madanlal Musuvathi, Mohamed Faouz...
The vulnerabilities which plague computers cause endless grief to users. Slammer compromised millions of hosts in minutes; a hit-list worm would take under a second. Recently prop...
Joseph Tucek, James Newsome, Shan Lu, Chengdu Huan...