The development of Reed-Solomon (RS) codes has allowed for improved data transmission over a variety of communication media. Although Reed-Solomon decoding provides a powerful def...
Lilian Atieno, Jonathan Allen, Dennis Goeckel, Rus...
The notion of a program slice, originally introduced by Mark Weiser, is a fundamental operation for addressing many software-engineering problems, including program understanding,...
ToolglassTM widgets are new user interface tools that can appear, as though on a transparent sheet of glass, between an application and a traditional cursor. They can be positione...
Eric A. Bier, Maureen C. Stone, Kenneth A. Pier, K...
Contracts and specifications have long been used in object-oriented design, programming and testing to enhance reliability before software deployment. However, the use of specifica...
Multivariate images are now commonly produced in many applications. If their process is possible due to computers power and new programming languages, theoretical difficulties hav...