Document-centric XML is a mixture of text and structure. With the increased availability of document-centric XML content comes a need for query facilities in which both structural...
Jaap Kamps, Maarten Marx, Maarten de Rijke, Bö...
We propose a language-model-based ranking approach for SPARQLlike queries on entity-relationship graphs. Our ranking model supports exact matching, approximate structure matching,...
Though both quantity and quality of semantic concept detection in video are continuously improving, it still remains unclear how to exploit these detected concepts as semantic ind...
Sculpting various 3D facial expressions from a static 3D face model is a process with intensive manual tuning efforts. In this paper, we present an interactive 3D facial expressio...
Understanding the intent behind a user's query can help search engine to automatically route the query to some corresponding vertical search engines to obtain particularly re...
Jian Hu, Gang Wang, Frederick H. Lochovsky, Jian-T...