Many simulation systems are standalone, running only on a desktop and having limited capabilities to integrate with other technologies such as company databases, workflow engines,...
Abstract. Aside of day-to-day business in some organizations Enterprise Architecture (EA) seems to be successful while it is not in others that also have notations, models, methods...
We report on experience that we made in the Trading room InteGRation Architecture project (TIGRA) at a large German bank. TIGRA developed a distributed system architecture for int...
A coherent description of architectures provides insight, enables communication among different stakeholders and guides complicated (business and ICT) change processes. Unfortunat...
The cost of a telecom service development is correlated to the discontinuity and the complexity of the process. To solve this problem, we propose a method dedicated to telecom ser...
Jacques Simonin, Francis Alizon, Jean-Pierre Desch...