In this paper we present a new perspective on the problem of complexity in software, using sound mathematical concepts from information theory such as Shannon’s Entropy [31]. We...
Maintenance is undoubtedly the most effort-consuming activity in software production whereby the entropy of legacy systems (e.g., due to redundancies, poor modularity and lack of ...
Houari A. Sahraoui, Petko Valtchev, Idrissa Konkob...
Background: Amino acids responsible for structure, core function or specificity may be inferred from multiple protein sequence alignments where a limited set of residue types are ...
Jonathan R. Manning, Emily R. Jefferson, Geoffrey ...
With the commoditization of digital devices, personal information and media sharing is becoming a key application on the pervasive Web. In such a context, data annotation rather th...
Philippe Cudré-Mauroux, Adriana Budura, Manfred H...
A monotone distribution P over a (partially) ordered domain assigns higher probability to y than to x if y x in the order. We study several natural problems concerning testing pr...