We propose in this paper an automatic evaluation procedure based on a metric which could provide summary evaluation without human assistance. Our system includes two metrics, whic...
Paulo C. F. de Oliveira, Edson Wilson Torrens, Ale...
In this paper, we analyze the state of current human and automatic evaluation of topic-focused summarization in the Document Understanding Conference main task for 2005-2007. The ...
sets of research abstracts that may be retrieved by a digital library or search engine in response to a user query. y dissertation abstracts were selected as the sample domain in t...
Shiyan Ou, Christopher S. G. Khoo, Dion Hoe-Lian G...
We present an interactive multimedia interface for automatically summarizing large corpora of evaluative text (e.g. online product reviews). We rely on existing techniques for ext...
The goals of my dissertation are: 1) to propose a French terminology for the presentation of evaluation results of automatic summaries, 2) to identify and describe experimental va...