—With the emerging many-core paradigm, parallel programming must extend beyond its traditional realm of scientific applications. Converting existing sequential applications as w...
Jiangtian Li, Xiaosong Ma, Karan Singh, Martin Sch...
Process variations, which lead to timing and power variations across identically-designed components, have been identified as one of the key future design challenges by the semico...
Yang Ding, Mahmut T. Kandemir, Mary Jane Irwin, Pa...
Techniques for test-case prioritization re-order test cases to increase their rate of fault detection. When there is a fixed time budget that does not allow the execution of all ...
Lu Zhang, Shan-Shan Hou, Chao Guo, Tao Xie, Hong M...
Modern memory systems play a critical role in the performance of applications, but a detailed understanding of the application behavior in the memory system is not trivial to atta...
Qin Zhao, Rodric M. Rabbah, Saman P. Amarasinghe, ...
Run-time compilation systems are challenged with the task of translating a program’s instruction stream while maintaining low overhead. While software managed code caches are ut...
Vijay Janapa Reddi, Dan Connors, Robert Cohn, Mich...