Reuse distance analysis has been proved promising in evaluating and predicting data locality for programs written in Fortran or C/C++. But its effect has not been examined for ap...
Text summarization is a data reduction process. The use of text summarization enables users to reduce the amount of text that must be read while still assimilating the core inform...
Lawrence H. Reeve, Hyoil Han, Saya V. Nagori, Jona...
We report a first-of-its-kind realization of directional transmission for smartphone-like mobile devices using multiple passive directional antennas, supported by only one RF chai...
Social networks are popular platforms for interaction, communication and collaboration between friends. Researchers have recently proposed an emerging class of applications that l...
Christo Wilson, Bryce Boe, Alessandra Sala, Krishn...
The Web of Data has emerged as a way of exposing structured linked data on the Web. It builds on the central building blocks of the Web (URIs, HTTP) and benefits from its simplic...