Background: As one of the most widely used parsimony methods for ancestral reconstruction, the Fitch method minimizes the total number of hypothetical substitutions along all bran...
Jialiang Yang, Jun Li, Liuhuan Dong, Stefan Gr&uum...
The robustness of a system is a property that pervades all aspects of Nature. The ability of a system to adapt itself to perturbations due to internal and external agents, to agin...
Accurate bone modeling from medical images is essential in the diagnosis and treatment of patients because it supports the detection of abnormal bone morphology, which is often re...
Abstract—The paper studies the convergence properties of the estimation error processes in distributed Kalman filtering for potentially unstable linear dynamical systems. In par...
Soummya Kar, Shuguang Cui, H. Vincent Poor, Jos&ea...
—Information dissemination in a large network is typically achieved when each user shares its own information or resources with each other user. Consider n users randomly located...