We discuss current approaches to the development of natural language dialogue systems, and claim that they do not sufficiently consider the unique qualities of man-machine intera...
In the 1980s, Don Swanson proposed the concept of “undiscovered public knowledge,” and published several examples in which two disparate literatures (i.e., sets of articles hav...
Background: High-throughput genome biological experiments yield large and multifaceted datasets that require flexible and user-friendly analysis tools to facilitate their interpre...
Laboratory exercises, field observations and field trips are a fundamental part of many earth science and environmental science courses. Field observations and field trips can be ...
V. Ramasundaram, S. Grunwald, A. Mangeot, N. B. Co...
Lifelogging technologies can capture both mundane and important experiences in our daily lives, resulting in a rich record of the places we visit and the things we see. This study...