Abstract. Directed graphs are commonly drawn by the Sugiyama algorithm, where crossing reduction is a crucial phase. It is done by repeated one-sided 2-level crossing minimizations...
Christian Bachmaier, Franz-Josef Brandenburg, Wolf...
A re-ranking technique,called “PageRank brings a successful story behind the search engine. Many studies focus on finding an way to compute the PageRank scores of a large web gr...
Constructing a good graph to represent data structures is critical for many important machine learning tasks such as clustering and classification. This paper proposes a novel no...
Liansheng Zhuang, Haoyuan Gao, Zhouchen Lin, Yi Ma...
In this paper, we present a clustering based algorithm for acyclic multi-way partitioning. Many existing partitioning algorithms have shown that clustering can effectively improv...
Eric S. H. Wong, Evangeline F. Y. Young, Wai-Kei M...
Many graphs used in real-world applications consist of nodes belonging to more than one category. We call such graph "multiplecategory graphs". Social networks are typic...
Takayuki Itoh, Chris Muelder, Kwan-Liu Ma, Jun Ses...