The recent digital revolution has facilitated communication, data portability and on-the-fly manipulation. Unfortunately, this has brought along some critical security vulnerabili...
Abbas Cheddad, Joan Condell, Kevin Curran, Paul Mc...
How do Members of Congress manage the opportunities that the Internet offers? Here we present the initial results from interviews with 100 Congressional offices about their decisi...
David Lazer, Ines Mergel, Curt Ziniel, Kevin Ester...
Relation extraction is the task of finding pre-defined semantic relations between two entities or entity mentions from text. Many methods, such as feature-based and kernel-based m...
This paper introduces a hierarchical Markov model that can learn and infer a user's daily movements through the commue model uses multiple levels of abstraction in order to b...
Our goal is to define a list of tasks for graph visualization that has enough detail and specificity to be useful to designers who want to improve their system and to evaluators w...