Attributed graphs are increasingly more common in many application domains such as chemistry, biology and text processing. A central issue in graph mining is how to collect inform...
Protocol conversion involves the use of a converter to control communication between two or more protocols such that desired system-level specifications can be satisfied. We invest...
We consider the problem of pipelined filters, where a continuous stream of tuples is processed by a set of commutative filters. Pipelined filters are common in stream applications...
Managed Runtime Environments (MREs), such as the JVM and the CLI, form an attractive environment for program execution, by providing portability and safety, via the use of a bytec...
Abstract. In many application domains, e.g. sensor databases, traffic management or recognition systems, objects have to be compared based on positionally and existentially uncert...
Thomas Bernecker, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Matthias Ren...