We consider a system with multiple interconnected video servers storing TV programs that are received through satellite antennas. Users, equipped with set-top boxes, submit request...
Sergios Soursos, George D. Stamoulis, Theodoros Bo...
Clock synchronization is critical for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) due to the need of inter-node coordination and collaborative information processing. Although many message pa...
Efficient and robust metacomputing requires the decomposition of complex jobs into tasks that must be scheduled on distributed processing nodes. There are various ways of creating...
The main objective of the Intelligent GRID Scheduling System (ISS) project is to provide a middleware infrastructure allowing a good positioning and scheduling of real life applic...
Ralf Gruber, Vincent Keller, Pierre Kuonen, Marie-...
Abstract. With the growing importance of fast system area networks in the parallel community, it is becoming common for message passing programs to run in multi-programming environ...
Frederick C. Wong, Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, David...