There has been significant recent interest in game theoretic approaches to security, with much of the recent research focused on utilizing the leader-follower Stackelberg game mo...
Dmytro Korzhyk, Zhengyu Yin, Christopher Kiekintve...
The authors investigated use of the internet-based patient portal,, among a well-characterized population of adults with diabetes in Northern California. Among 14 102 diver...
Urmimala Sarkar, Andrew J. Karter, Jennifer Y. Liu...
Disk images (bitstreams extracted from physical media) can play an essential role in the acquisition and management of digital collections by serving as containers that support da...
—The goal of this work is to add the capability to segment documents containing text, graphics, and pictures in the open source OCR engine OCRopus. To achieve this goal, OCRopus...
Amy Winder, Tim L. Andersen, Elisa H. Barney Smith