Background: Intracellular signal transduction is achieved by networks of proteins and small molecules that transmit information from the cell surface to the nucleus, where they ul...
Martin Steffen, Allegra Petti, John Aach, Patrik D...
Given the importance of optimization and informatics which are the two broad fields of research, we present an instance of Optinformatics which denotes the specialization of info...
Minh Nghia Le, Yew-Soon Ong, Quang Huy Nguyen 0001
Background: Whole genome association studies using highly dense single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are a set of methods to identify DNA markers associated with variation in a ...
Stephen J. Goodswen, Cedric Gondro, Nathan S. Wats...
One possible threat to linked data quality is the lack of knowledge about the dynamics in dependent remote datasets. Linked data consuming applications often need to be aware of ch...
Niko Popitsch, Bernhard Haslhofer, Elaheh Momeni R...
In order to improve the accessibility of genomic and proteomic information to medical researchers, we have developed a procedure to link biological information on proteins involve...