In the field of evolutionary robotics artificial neural networks are often used to construct controllers for autonomous agents, because they have useful properties such as the ab...
Peter Eggenberger, Akio Ishiguro, Seiji Tokura, To...
The TCP models in ns-2 have been validated and are widely used in network research. They are however not aimed at producing results consistent with a TCP implementation, they are ...
It is often assumed that when natural language processing meets the real world, the ideal of aiming for complete and correct interpretations has to be abandoned. However, our expe...
Jerry R. Hobbs, Douglas E. Appelt, John Bear, Mabr...
We describe an experimental wearable augmented reality system that enables users to experience hypermedia presentations that are integrated with the actual outdoor locations to wh...
We propose solutions for seamlessly integrating synthetic objects into background photographs at interactive rates. Recently developed image-based methods are used to capture real...