Resource sharing within Grid collaborations usually implies specific sharing mechanisms at participating sites. Challenging policy issues can arise within virtual organizations (V...
The enormous growth in wireless communications and miniaturized handheld devices in the last few years, have given rise to a vast range of new services, for heterogeneous user env...
NOMADS is a Java-based agent system that supports strong mobility (i.e., the ability to capture and transfer the full execution state of migrating agents) and safe agent execution ...
Niranjan Suri, Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, Maggie R. Bree...
This paper describes the design and development of a flexible domain-based access control infrastructure for distributed Collaborative Environments. The paper proposes extensions ...
Yuri Demchenko, Cees de Laat, Leon Gommans, Ren&ea...
1 One of the major challenges of Applied Artificial Intelligence is to provide environments where high level human activities like learning, constructing theories or performing exp...