Model minimization has been shown to work well for the task of unsupervised part-of-speech tagging with a dictionary. In (Ravi and Knight, 2009), the authors invoke an integer pro...
Sujith Ravi, Ashish Vaswani, Kevin Knight, David C...
Policy evaluation is a critical step in the approximate solution of large Markov decision processes (MDPs), typically requiring O(|S|3 ) to directly solve the Bellman system of |S...
Abstract— Sum rate maximization by power control is an important, challenging, and extensively studied problem in wireless networks. It is a nonconvex optimization problem and ac...
Abstract. Computation time is an important performance characteristic of computer vision algorithms. This paper shows how existing (slow) binary-valued decision algorithms can be a...
Given a bounded universe {0, 1, . . . , U-1}, we show how to perform (successor) searches in O(log log ) expected time and updates in O(log log ) expected amortized time, where i...