In many parallel processing applications, task times have relatively little variability. Accordingly, many nodes will complete a task at approximately the same time. If the applica...
Regularization plays a central role in the analysis of modern data, where non-regularized fitting is likely to lead to over-fitted models, useless for both prediction and interpre...
This article provides a central limit theorem for a consistent estimator of the population eigenvalues of a class of sample covariance matrices. An exact expression as well as an ...
Jianfeng Yao, Romain Couillet, Jamal Najim, Eric M...
Abstract. We consider the problem of computing additively approximate Nash equilibria in non-cooperative two-player games. We provide a new polynomial time algorithm that achieves ...
The vertex cover problem is a classic NP-complete problem for which the best worst-case approximation ratio is roughly 2. In this paper, we use a collection of simple reductions, e...