We present a novel distance-based algorithm for evolutionary tree reconstruction. Our algorithm reconstructs the topology of a tree with n leaves in O(n2 ) time using O(n) working...
Packet losses tend to occur during short error bursts separated by long periods of relatively error-free transmission. There is also a significant spatial correlation in loss amon...
Background: The ever-increasing wealth of genomic sequence information provides an unprecedented opportunity for large-scale phylogenetic analysis. However, species phylogeny infe...
Abstract. To disseminate messages from a single source to a large number of targeted receivers, a natural approach is the tree-based application layer multicast (ALM). However, in ...
Kyungbaek Kim, Sharad Mehrotra, Nalini Venkatasubr...
—A fundamental challenge of managing mutable data replication in a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) system is how to efficiently maintain consistency under various sharing patterns with heter...